Sunday, May 22, 2011

Once Youth Preview

Spent a long and awesome Saturday shooting stuff for Asia and Evan Hall's clothing line OnceYouth.  We got to work with some great models and although I didn't eat all day, with the exception of Ritz crackers and cashews, it was a great way to spend my last minutes on earth, oh wait...the rapture didn't happen.  Till next year i guess.  Enjoy the first few sets of shots that i'll be posting over the course of the week.

Monday, May 9, 2011


So I've basically shot film all semester long, with the occasional rare exception, and all black and white stuff.  I guess once I got a taste for film I've just been a photo snob refusing to touch my sell-out of a digital camera.  But this past week I had the opportunity, nay, the privilege of shooting the roommate photos for Kylie Castro, Anna Cornell, and Robyn Bickerton.  Need I say that I shot with my digital camera, which was refreshing in a way.  I've been neglecting my color skills too much.  Anyway, it was such a fun time rushing around steep turns in the Montecito foothills and watching the dynamic between the three.  Also, this might very well be the first and only time a group of girls have requested to take formal pictures in their "workout" clothes; aren't they awesome!  Well enjoy a few shots from this shoot. Or don't but that's your loss. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I made my tumblr blog awhile ago and I have to say that it was one of my better decisions.  Keeping a catalog of what inspires you is so essential to creativity and challenging yourself.  Plus it helps a great deal to constantly be exposed to quality work, so you can sense flaws in your own and work to better yourself.  Well that's all I have to say at 3 in the morning.  Go check out my inspiration blog, it has loads of updates since I first began it.